Questions You May Be Asked in a School Bus Driver Interview

Questions You May Be Asked in a School Bus Driver Interview

Driving a bus always is an immense responsibility, let alone driving a bus where kids are onboard. You are always motivated whenever you’re surrounded by people – the students, their parents and teachers, the school administration, and your colleagues. You get to drive the kids to and from school every day, follow the same route, … Read more

What Is a Part-Time School Bus Job?

What Is a Part-Time School Bus Job?

More employers are offering part-time opportunities for people of different backgrounds – working students, stay-at-home parents, retirees, and people looking for extra jobs to supplement their income. Many job-seekers, however, overlook the perks of being a school bus driver. Do you like to drive, love working with people (especially children), and want a career with … Read more

School Bus Drivers Help Keep Communities Safe

School Bus Drivers Help Keep Communities Safe

Safety behind the wheel should be the top priority of every driver. But it hits somewhat differently for school bus drivers. The fact alone that school bus drivers have the primary task of transporting the students safely to and from school places a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Together with a greater number of challenges … Read more