How School Bus Drivers Contribute to a Stronger, More Connected Community

How School Bus Drivers Contribute to a Stronger, More Connected Community

You may not have realized it, but school bus drivers do more than drive kids to and from school. They play a crucial role in fostering a stronger, more connected community by ensuring safety, building relationships, and contributing to the students’ and their families’ overall well-being. Every morning, after inspecting their buses, bus drivers start … Read more

The Psychology of Driving a School Bus with Job Satisfaction

The Psychology of Driving a School Bus with Job Satisfaction

As a potential candidate for becoming a school transportation professional, your journey will involve every turn and stop sign, bringing joy and challenges. Considering the unique aspects of job satisfaction within this role is vital. Unlike typical driving jobs, school bus driving intertwines deeply with the educational environment, making it a role loaded with responsibilities … Read more

How to Avoid Distractions While Driving

How to Avoid Distractions While Driving

National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) experts say that distracted driving is classified as “any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system – anything that takes your attention away from the task … Read more

How School Buses Contribute to a Healthier Environment

How School Buses Contribute to a Healthier Environment

You may already know the benefits of school bus transportation to the school district and the community, but you may also be surprised to discover that school buses can benefit the environment. The environmental impact of school buses is often overlooked, but it’s time that we should recognize these vehicles’ role in improving the environment … Read more

School Bus Drivers Help Keep Communities Safe

School Bus Drivers Help Keep Communities Safe

Safety behind the wheel should be the top priority of every driver. But it hits somewhat differently for school bus drivers. The fact alone that school bus drivers have the primary task of transporting the students safely to and from school places a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Together with a greater number of challenges … Read more

School Bus Drivers and Parents Can Help Stop Bullying

School Bus Drivers and Parents Can Help Stop Bullying

Bullying is a fundamental problem in almost every school environment. There are chances that children are being bullied by their peers at school. It has become a growing concern for parents, teachers, and students. School buses, unfortunately, are one of the top places where bullying frequently occurs. Think about it: with fewer adults around and … Read more

Transporting Band Students and Athletes

Transporting Band Students and Athletes

We’ve often thought about how school buses play a vital role in our country’s education system. Without these familiar yellow buses, most students won’t have a safe, comfortable, and reliable way to get to and from school. To date, school buses transport around 25 million students daily in the United States.   But many people … Read more

School Bus Drivers Know Back to School Safety

School Bus Drivers Know Back to School Safety

The new school year is here! As expected, school bus drivers undergo ongoing training. The training for a new school year includes learning about the assigned routes and bus stops so that they know where to pick up students and drop them off. However, this training also has a safety aspect, where school bus drivers … Read more