Ideas for How New Bus Drivers Can Connect with Students

Ideas for How New Bus Drivers Can Connect with Students

Building positive relationships between school transportation professionals and students enhances the overall travel experience and creates a supportive environment. Strong connections between drivers and students ensure a smoother and safer ride and foster a sense of community and respect. This article will guide new drivers by providing essential strategies to foster these positive relationships. It … Read more

The Psychology of Driving a School Bus with Job Satisfaction

The Psychology of Driving a School Bus with Job Satisfaction

As a potential candidate for becoming a school transportation professional, your journey will involve every turn and stop sign, bringing joy and challenges. Considering the unique aspects of job satisfaction within this role is vital. Unlike typical driving jobs, school bus driving intertwines deeply with the educational environment, making it a role loaded with responsibilities … Read more

Ways to Show Appreciation to School Transportation Professionals During the Holidays

Ways to Show Appreciation to School Transportation Professionals During the Holidays

As we embrace the festive cheer of the holiday season, it’s crucial to recognize the individuals who play an integral role in our community: school transportation professionals or school bus drivers. These dedicated workers ensure our children’s safe travel to and from school throughout the year, getting up early to start the day, often braving … Read more

History Making Bus Drivers You’ll Want to Know

History Making Bus Drivers You’ll Want to Know

Being a bus driver is much more than just keeping commuters and other drivers safe. It also involves interacting with different people daily and handling the stress of this job. Bus drivers, particularly school bus drivers, are expected to be role models, especially for youngsters. As such, school bus drivers should set good examples that … Read more

PA School Bus Drivers Know about Winter Safety

PA School Bus Drivers Know about Winter Safety

When it comes to going to and from school, the safety of the students is of utmost concern to the school administration and parents. Safety is also the top priority of PA school bus drivers in charge of the students on board. Thank heavens for school buses, which remain the safest mode of transportation for … Read more

School Bus Drivers and Parents Can Help Stop Bullying

School Bus Drivers and Parents Can Help Stop Bullying

Bullying is a fundamental problem in almost every school environment. There are chances that children are being bullied by their peers at school. It has become a growing concern for parents, teachers, and students. School buses, unfortunately, are one of the top places where bullying frequently occurs. Think about it: with fewer adults around and … Read more

Transporting Band Students and Athletes

Transporting Band Students and Athletes

We’ve often thought about how school buses play a vital role in our country’s education system. Without these familiar yellow buses, most students won’t have a safe, comfortable, and reliable way to get to and from school. To date, school buses transport around 25 million students daily in the United States.   But many people … Read more

Ways PA School Bus Drivers Keep Students Safe

Ways PA School Bus Drivers Keep Students Safe

We have missed them during the summer, but the big yellow school buses are back on the roads! The role of PA school bus drivers is more than just transporting children to and from school. They also ensure the safety of all students as they get on and off the bus. Around 25 million students … Read more