Qualities Pennsylvania School Bus Drivers Have in Common

As Pennsylvania school bus drivers, it’s your responsibility to safely transport schoolchildren (and other passengers) to and from school.

To become exemplary bus drivers in their district, they follow established routes and observe and obey traffic laws. They also do routine inspections on their vehicles to ensure that they are safe and in working condition. While driving the students to and from school, drivers also monitor them to ensure their safety.

What other qualities make great bus drivers? You don’t just drive – you also care. It helps if you go beyond the job description to ensure that the schoolchildren have the safest and most pleasant journey to and from school (or off-campus activities like field trips) possible.

Great bus drivers have some things in common. Of course, the salary and bonuses and those days off, school breaks, and benefits packages are a given. But aside from those things that motivate them, great bus drivers are proud and confident with their position. Also, they feel appreciated by the community they are serving. To become a great bus driver like them, you should have the following key traits.

Great bus drivers are:


While your driving skills are the most important, your ability to interact with your young passengers is also critical. A friendly “hello” and a sincere smile go a long way. It’s your job to make the passenger welcome, at ease, and appreciated. People are more likely to remember kindness and friendliness, both of which cost you nothing at all. If you’re kind, friendly, and warm, students will be likely to feel more confident and welcome to ride on your bus – again and again.

Calm under pressure

One admirable trait of a great school bus driver is that they remain calm while facing the typical challenges that every other school bus driver faces. They know that they have no control of the situation around them while on the road. Therefore, they must be ready to face whatever challenges they encounter, such as poor weather and traffic conditions.

Great school bus drivers don’t allow emotions or adrenaline to cloud their decisions and judgment. It’s because they know that the safety of the schoolchildren is still their number one priority, so the ability to make rational decisions under pressure is an essential quality in great bus drivers.

Willing to lead

School bus drivers are stewards of their vehicles, so leadership naturally comes. They are confident in taking the wheel – literally as well as figuratively. The need and desire to get things done seem to be an inborn trait among great school bus drivers.

As a driver, you’re in charge of the well-being of a bus full of young schoolchildren. So, having this quality is also essential.

Dedicated to their profession

Having a passion for whatever you do is critical to your life’s happiness. Most of the workforce spends one-third of their lives on the job, so make sure that you’re choosing a career that you’re passionate about.

Another reason why there are exceptional bus drivers is that they’re dedicated to their job and proud of it. Focus and attention are crucial when driving – and even more so, driving a bus full of schoolchildren. For this reason, drivers must have a strong desire and passion for this position – something that they are dedicated to and proud of, and not do just for the salary and financial benefits.

Great bus drivers also have a strong passion for working with children – another crucial trait. They love being with kids. So, they drive the school bus like their own beloved children or grandchildren are inside. Learn more by reading What Are the Rewards of Working as a Pennsylvania School Bus Driver?

Ready to take the wheel? Do you think you have more than driving skills and the ability to follow traffic rules? Do you have a passion for this type of job? If you aspire to be one of the great Pennsylvania school bus drivers, submit your credentials to any of your preferred job openings on https://schoolbushero.com/jobs.